Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I have MONEY!

Now to spend it.

I just got done ordering more anime figures.
I preordered 1/8th DRRR Shizuo amd Mami Tomoe figma (from AmiAmi)
I order Iron Man Revoltech, Lupin figure, and Van from GunXSword figure.

Though I haven't got my confirmation from HLJ yet, Which is odd because they are normally quick about it.
All of this because I got my tax refund.... finally.


  1. I got my confirmation. Yay! Plus figma Mami should be shipping soon, since AmiAmi requested payment this morning.

    My Van (GunXSword) shouldn't take too long to get here either since I got him at AnimeIsland (http://www.anime-island.com/) which is a US company/site.

    My only worry is that I have no tracking for my orders. -_- Lyssa likes tracking.

  2. Gah!! My stuff hasn't arrived yet!
    I'm afraid that my stuff will arrive when my dad is home and/or when I'm not home. *worries*
