Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random Events to be Had...

I haven't posted in weeks!
I'm really bad at this blog things. *sweat drop*

Thursday 4-16
I went to a banquet thing celebrating my 5 year anniversary for working at the same place for those years. Other people were getting their 5, 10, 15 or even 20th anniversary. Yikes! I hope to be long gone before 10 years. Why I even stayed there for 5 is beyond me.
I got photos from the event and of the clock I picked from a catalog. It ticks and tocks all night long. >_<

Tuesday 4-21
The week before my teacher of Tuesday class was talking with my classmates about skateboarding and I guess he (the teacher) use to skateboard in his past. On this Tuesday I can in to find my teacher with a fractured bone for an arm.
He says, "I guess I'm to old to be skateboarding." ;P Geez.
** Today his arm was still bothering him, so he's probably gonna go see a doctor tomorrow.

Wednesday 4-22 (Earth Day)
So much happened on this day!
I know I'm really behind on my report things. Gah!
Note to all: When going to doctors, taking parents is just asking to be embarrassed.
Ya. -_- Stupid me.
So after doctors I went searching for my missing sister. She went out for an Earth Day walk before I left for my appointment and when I got back she was still gone. Worried!!
I and my dog, Kayla, went out looking for her. I went to all of the peaceful outdoor spots I could thing of, which ,of course, are a decent hike for where I live. I was out for a good hour and a half before I was found and told that she came home. -_- She was over at a friends house playing board games. -_- I walking alot on Earth Day. ^_^

On way home dog nearly torn off one of my finger nails when she saw a cat. I thought she was as worn out as I was... obviously not. -_-

On a way way way off side question:
Who the hell is Craig and why on earth does he need a list?
** Doctors office had news on. There are killers on this "Craig's List".
(I joke. :P)

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