Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Adventure? But I like my cave life.

Yikes! It's been forever since I made a post here.
There really isn't anything new going on in my life.
Mother's Day came and passed. I was at work.
The day before Mother's Day was worse than the holiday for me because I was at work.
I ordered more stuff. When will I stop this? I don't earn enough money!
The Jigen TV Part 1 big guy I've been drooling over is being re-released.
The price is much better that the price I was gonna pay at Plamoya. $150 plus $20 shipping? No thanks.
Did that via AmiAmi which has better prices than HLJ.
Also, I'm chin deep into Crows x WORST. So obviously I went and ordered a figure of one of the characters.
It's back ordered, so there is a chance they can't get it. I'd be sad, but not heartbroken.
I'm thinking about selling the figure I don't display anymore and all those extra female characters. (I'm looking at you Yuna and Fugiko!)

Ya. That's all I wanted to say/type. See Ya Later.

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