Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Newest Arrival for May (Now with More Pictures)

So, something I was expecting to be delivered tomorrow got delivered today.

*happy screeching sound*

One Piece Super Effect Action Pose #1: B Trafalgar Law

I'm sure you know by now that I'm gathering Trafalgar Law figures (that I like), well, this is one of the newer one to be released. There was no pre-order for it, it was just In Stock one day. I quickly ordered it. I was fairly cheap (1108JPY) so I wasn't worried about my current money issues with this one.

I'm actually really happy with it. His face looks sort of blah, but with this pose you can't really see his face. You'd have to hold him up to look at it or take a upshot photo. I really like the pose. I'm sort of sick of the pose he always gets (see most other Trafalgar Laws on MFC). The paint is probably what I don't like the most, then again I have many trading figures with much worst paint jobs. For his cost the figure looks about it's worth. So to say, if he cost me $40 I'd except a whole lot more for it and would not be happy, but he cost me about $17, so all is good.

Him all in his bags still. I don't really know way I wanted to show this.

His with his box.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cancellations and Postponment

Well, I officially cancelled my HLJ order for this month because of my car. The battery is completely dead even though I just got it replaced in December. I'm guessing it was a used battery. Anyways, I have a feeling the alternator is also shot.
(Correction: My bad alternator killing my battery.) This all will probably cost me $800. They have to remove my engine to get to the alternator (I guess).

I hate using my phone to post here.

Okay, on my computer now. I'm also postponing paying for my AmiAmi order that is ready. It says I have to pay by the 26th. I get paid on the 24th, so that is when I'm gonna pay for it.

This wasn't a very important thing for me to have anyways. (The thing I cancelled.) I'd rather get the Styling Valiant Material set than this set. This set isn't on MFC yet. If it was I'd mark it as ordered.

Okay that is it. For now. I hope.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Why Life! Why?

Okay, well, it looks like I'm not spending money on figures for awhile. Why? Because my car just stopped on my way home from work today. I knew my battery was going wonky, but my car just shut itself off. So, it's probably the altinator. Good Bye Money. I still have work tomorrow too. *la sigh*

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I have this Love/Hate thing

... with money.
So I went to Target and found ALL of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
Of course I went and bought all 4 DVDs. That's all 26 episodes.
So you know, if you want to watch it all you need to do is ask. ^_^

Adventure? But I like my cave life.

Yikes! It's been forever since I made a post here.
There really isn't anything new going on in my life.
Mother's Day came and passed. I was at work.
The day before Mother's Day was worse than the holiday for me because I was at work.
I ordered more stuff. When will I stop this? I don't earn enough money!
The Jigen TV Part 1 big guy I've been drooling over is being re-released.
The price is much better that the price I was gonna pay at Plamoya. $150 plus $20 shipping? No thanks.
Did that via AmiAmi which has better prices than HLJ.
Also, I'm chin deep into Crows x WORST. So obviously I went and ordered a figure of one of the characters.
It's back ordered, so there is a chance they can't get it. I'd be sad, but not heartbroken.
I'm thinking about selling the figure I don't display anymore and all those extra female characters. (I'm looking at you Yuna and Fugiko!)

Ya. That's all I wanted to say/type. See Ya Later.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Check Out my Tumblr

I re-blogged alot of Avengers related things.
(Though April might like them more than Jon)

Also, a just plain <3 -ed somethings. Here is the link for that:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

You know figures and vacation stuff

I just gonna put this here till I decide what I'm gonna do.

I really can't afford to buy any of these, but it's always fun to look.

Deformation Meister Petite Tiger & Bunny (Off Shot Edition): 1 Box (10pcs)
S.H.Figuarts Wild Tiger
1/7 D.P.C.F Chopper Western Ver. PVC
(Yes. I still want this. I don't care if Chopper isn't my fav character.)

Well, that's it for now.

My vacation was awesome and TONS more fun than I expected. I think I want to move to Chattanooga, Tennessee. It's full of mountain, river and valley and, while it does get HOT (100 degrees anyone?) it doesn't get humid. The downtown city is VERY art-tastic. Full of history from Cherokee Indians to the Civil War. *doki doki*

I'll upload photos from my trip later. (I swear.)

I'd say that the only problem with the Chattanooga area is that it is very country. The people, the talking, the music and well, the better side of country, the attitude. The people there are not afraid of the people around them. We got in many conversations with just random people. It was odd and nice at the same time.

Here is an odd feature of a site I use to order figures from:

A Wishlist:
Ya, alot of it is also stuff on my MFC wish group.