I don't think I can go to sleep without writing something about the movie I just watched, Drive. So, I shall.
Within the first 5 minutes I knew Drive was gonna be a good movie. It didn't treat the audience like a group of dumb-asses. It let itself tell the story. The protagonist wasn't gabbing his mouth off about what he was doing or why. It just happened. This thing called storytelling happen and well, that's bloody rare these days. I really like how the story played out too. My compliment to the writer of this movie and probably the writer of the book it was based on. Note to self: read said book.
With all this praise all on the table, the chance of me buying Drive is actually really low. It has something and it also doesn't have something and I can't put my finger on it. So for the most part, a fantastic movie that I really what to read now.
I was tired when watching and also while writing this.
My fave thing I said during the movie was:
"There is this place called a hospital. Drive yourself there."
"There are stabs that one can live from and stabs that one can not live from. You are lucky enough to be the one who lives."
I actually tried really hard not to talk during the movie because Jon loves it so much. My sleepiness got the better if me during the end.
Well said Lyssa.