Sunday, July 13, 2014

MetroCon 2014

OMG!! It s just about 1:30am and I am super tire, but I have to write about my day or even days. I never did write a thing for Friday. I was far too tire Friday to do muchafterwards. 
Sadly I have no. Pictures to post at this moment, but to most of my pictures being on my camera. 
I didn't have much time for the dealers room today which is good! Or was it bad? Hard to decide since when I finally got into the dealers room it was closing, so I took my money to the Artist Alley. OMG!!! ART!! I bought quite a few prints, far more buttons than I have a need for and a few stickers.... Not decals, but oh well. Wait! What did I do if I didn't do dealers room? Well, this girl did panels and shows. The best show ever!!! Anime Human Chess Match!! Without spoiling too much of it ( since there is still tomorrows showing) GO SEE IT!!!! If you have a convention pass there is no good reason for you to miss the chess match. 
I'd sadly need to look at the con guide to tell you every panel I went to, but the ones I can rekeber isnthe Sailor Moon panel (which was fun), the Doctor Who panel ( which was more of a QnA), and I tried going to a TokuTalk pnel, but apparently Metro cares not for Toku fans because it was cancelled and fill with Pokemon fans at 4pm. I did get to meet a few fans that promised TokuTalk at other conventions. *sad*
We had fun talking about Super Sentai and Kamen Rider  amoung ourslves. These guys had the belts,  changers and weapons. I'm sort of jelly now. I think I will stick to my SHFiguarts and other figures. We stayed till about 12am because at 11pm was a collectors panel. 

Friday (yesterday) 
I took my friend to MetroCon on Friday. I am so glad that I did. Not because I needed him to go or that he needed to come, but because conventions only get better with the number of friends you are with. Conventions, especial MetroCon, were make for gather with friends and making new one. ^_^
So, this day I did go into the dealers room and I did spend most of my money there. I only got two figures..... One was 50 dollars and  a Jigan Daisuke, so ya. The other stuff I got was decals for my car and posters for DUH! 
The panels? I don't really remember. We stayed super late because of Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog. It was awesome. 

So, I'm gonna sleep now. I'm looking forward to the last day. Sleep now. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I Found Something!!

Oh Don! LOL!

I was looking through my saving pictures looking for something and found this instead. ^_^

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014


So, I got a new phone today. How did this happen? Why am I so friggan happy?

How? Dad finally decided to extend our Verizon phone plan. He was thinking of changing phone plan providers and that is why I was waiting on getting a new phone. My old one, having horrible black blotches due to dropping, needed replacing months ago. I have been told that this is my biethday present and that I should expect nothing on the 29th.

Happy? Ridiculously.  Much more than I was expecting. This is so fast and not broken and slick. I seriously love this thing. My old phone was 3 years old!! My tech was old and this tech is not old. It is amazing!

OMG Lyssa! What type of phone is it?
Samsung Galaxy S4 mini