Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Post College Stress

So now that I have a degree my new goal is career based. The impending Doom of student loans looming in the distance has made my parents feverish in the pursuit of job postings. I'm dizzy with the spinning. Meanwhile, I am looking into freelance work to increase my portfolio. I'm finding new joy in learning how to draw buildings. I know, strange. All in all life has been good and I can't wait for my planned vacations from work.

MetroCon is gonna be awesome.
My mom is really looking forward to the new Harry Potter part of Universal.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


At the doctors with my sister. I am here for emotional support. Sister believe her life is coming to an end. -_-

Wow I wrote this forever ago and never posted it.
My sister is still quite alive. So, no worries. ^_^