Tuesday, December 28, 2010

For Christmas I got. ...

I got the BEST mobil device ever!!
An iPod Touch Gen4!!
I love the camera, both of them.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dubbed Review - Like Flat, Undrinkable Soda

Okay, so I was browsing instant queue things on Netflixs and ran into Gurren Lagann. I've been watching my sub only DVDs and was wondering if Netflixs had the Dub or Sub version, so I pressed play to find out.

From the opening I could tell it was the Dubbed version. I kept going because my love for Gurren Lagann is far greater than my hate for Dubbing. Simon voice over was okay and for the first 4 minutes I was happy and the Kamina showed up. *facepalm* I can't understand how they could get him so wrong. He's voice is like flat soda that is un-drinkable. His voice is so not Kamina that it nearly makes this dubbing un-watchable. I paused it right after Kamina started talking and started crying/laughing. It makes me so sad. I kept watching.... I love Gurren Lagann. Yoko sounds right. Her dubbed voice sound familiar. I'll have to look it up later. This should be a form of interrogation. First you make the person watch the Sub version and then you force them to watch the Dub version.

For anyone looking into watching Gurren Lagann I highly suggest watching the Subbed version. Though the Dubbing isn't bad and the translation is done correctly. It just comes off alot more extreme in Japanese. The English comes off flat and not very enthusiastic as I expected. Of course I've also watched the Japanese version, so I'm bias. I just get the feeling that a first timer watcher viewing the Dubbed version would become uninterested quickly.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Forming a Plan

Shortly I plan on posting a LONG entry here about my MetroCon experience. I'll most probably have images going along side text. (joy)

While at MetroCon I lost my iPod Touch. I am very sad and angry (at myself).
I made a CraigsList lost posting here: http://tampa.craigslist.org/hil/laf/1863234381.html

If it can be returned to me it would be great. If I can save up money and get newest iPod Touch that would be even better.
I've fallen back to using my iPod Nano Gen 4.
I think it killed my PC. I went to update iTunes and now my network connection is dead.
It says that there are zero networks available. So, I moved over to my Mac who is connected to the network. My IT guy (aka my dad) is busy till Saturday. Then I'm busy. RAWR!

Enough ranting. Till next time.

Friday, July 16, 2010

After Inception Viewing

Are you sure you're not dreaming right now?

I seriously don't want to spoil any of this movie for anyone. It was such a fantastic movie in every way. I suggest it for people that liked Bladerunner, The Matrix, and even Minority Report. For a little bit my head was in a spin, but I just got use to the sensation because there isn't a second of this movie that is wasted. Even the beginning that seems totally out of place is, by the end, put into place.
GAH! Just go see for yourself. Oh! And you may want to make time to see it twice, if you get the finer that is.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Inception Tonight

I am so excited. Can't wait till 12am.
I'll edit this post after the movie.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Choose Life of Anime Watching

So I think I know which anime I liked the most out of the three from my last post. My brain is going with Giant Killing. It just so awesome in a soccer sort of way. I watched episodes 3-6 today. That's 4 episodes. I love this show!!

I also want to watch more of the other two. Maybe I'll find the time to watch them.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Anime- The Truth of my Addiction

I downloaded a few first episodes of three anime not too long ago and finally got to watching them today.

The first being:
Working- {link} It is about a group of people working at a restaurant. They are a very strange group of people. It is very cute and funny. One of my friends will hate it because it is "moe". He hates moe for some darn reason. I think it is cute.

Giant Killing- {link} This is a soccer anime! I can't say that I love sports anime but I don't hate it. The art style is um, odd. I want to watch more. It can ride the wave of my current WorldCup phase. I can't find episode 2 on YouTube. Anyways, it's about an old player of the ETU team coming back after playing in England to manger the ETU team. He was the star player, but he comes off a fairly lazy guy.

Now for the oddest one yet:
Arakawa Under the Bridge- {link} This is just so very strange that I'm at a lost on how to describe it. I actually watched the second episode too because it was just that interesting. So there is this guy that we are gonna call Ric because that's how the subbers shortened Recruit. Anyways, this guy lives his life by the rule of not being in debt EVER. So one day this odd girl saves his life, next thing he knows he's living by the river under a bridge and now the lover of this strange girl. Obviously something that must be watched.

My search for a Durarara {link} replacement is going well. (^∇^)
I can see my self watching all three.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Another Day Out

I need to stop having a social life. It's interfering with my life of responsibilities. Not that I hate spending time with my friends. I just also really like the time I spend by myself.
This rant is not important.

On to what I did today... I spent time with my friends. I mean it is anime day. I took the movie Summer Wars {link} with me. You haven't heard of it? Look it up! It's one of the best movies I've seen this year. Grant it I'm saying these right after seeing Last Airbender.
It was a rather different type of movie in both the visual and story sense.
Imagine: Math wiz boy is tricked into spending four days in the country side by the most popular girl in his school. She needed a boyfriend to present to her Great GranMa. While there he unknowingly releases a terrible A.I. program onto the virtual reality world of OZ. This virtual world runs almost everything in the real world. So by the end our math wiz is saving the world and getting the girl. It was friggan amazing. And even if it seems like I told you a lot, I haven't nearly exposed the iceberg this movie really is. So emotional and epic. A must watch for EVERYONE!

So that was fun. Getting home at 1AM was unexpected. My friend wanted to raid the music in my portable harddrive. In all fairness I got music from her too.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Avatar movie review

Pre: I wrote a thing here before the movie and was hoping it would still be here after the movie. It didn't. Saw the movie with April, Dwayne and John. Ran into Brian and Ms. Anna afterwards.

Post: The need to kill Shyamalan raising. This really could have been an awesome movie, if not for a few glaring flaws. The butchering of the characters names being the most obvious one. The cut up feeling of the film. It really felt like we got the in- production version. The characters lack of development and emotion. The *twitch* casting.
Over all a very awkward feeling movie and I hope it fails to get money so that they don't make anymore. Though I know it will because of the name and I know they will. It's just how this world works.

I may watch this with my family which is better than Clash of the Titans.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Post College Stress

So now that I have a degree my new goal is career based. The impending Doom of student loans looming in the distance has made my parents feverish in the pursuit of job postings. I'm dizzy with the spinning. Meanwhile, I am looking into freelance work to increase my portfolio. I'm finding new joy in learning how to draw buildings. I know, strange. All in all life has been good and I can't wait for my planned vacations from work.

MetroCon is gonna be awesome.
My mom is really looking forward to the new Harry Potter part of Universal.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


At the doctors with my sister. I am here for emotional support. Sister believe her life is coming to an end. -_-

Wow I wrote this forever ago and never posted it.
My sister is still quite alive. So, no worries. ^_^

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Anime and things like it

So, this year is going pretty darn fast. I have news of the chance to start an anime club at ITT tech. I'm really excited about it.So much planning to do.

I'm current at an anime club. Watching GTO TV special. It's not anime, but it's really good and based on a manga. It's a manga I'm currently reading.

I've got an anime I want to watch, but I need to be on my computer. Ya. Typing on iPod is a paininthe butt. It is easier on my phone.
Ya, for un-graduating I got this. It's named DanishBrat.
Anyways, till next time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rambling and Junk

I really need to tell someone about an anime I just got done watching called 'Time of Eve'. It's only 6 episodes long and can be found on CrunchyRoll *here*. It can best be described as a SciFi because of the android characters in the series. It's a 'I, Robot' meets anime type thing. It even has the same 3 robot laws. I highly suggest watching it. ^_^

In other news, HOLY HELL I haven't posted here in forever. I'm so sorry. This is what I get of getting a blog with no propose. It was gonna be a mix of stuff going on in my life and art I've been doing. I sort of failed at this.

Well, I've been sketching alot. Nothing really awesome well,.... there is one new thing up on my DA (DeviantArt) *here is a link for you* It's Denmark from the Hetalia series (sometimes called APH).
He is my current obsession and broke my artist block, so I am happy.

As a most current of current things: I am sick and glad I have off today or I would have called in.